So You Want To Pass The CPA Exam Using NINJA Only. That Is A Great Choice And Here Is Why…
50% Of CPA Candidates… FAIL!
The truth HURTS, and sadly, that is the unvarnished truth.
According to AICPA, the Q1 2024 “Core” per-section numbers break down like this:
AUD: 45%
FAR: 42%
REG: 63%
This means that if you plan to take all four sections of the CPA Exam, statistically speaking, your chances of failing at least once are above 90%.
Certainly not a comforting thought, but now you know what you are up against.

It Doesn’t Have To Be Like That
NINJA CPA Review is the only CPA Review Course made by CPA Candidates for CPA Candidates.
NINJA was created by, Jeff Elliott, a former CPA Candidate shortly after he became a licensed CPA in 2009.
Jeff wanted to make sure that other candidates, like him, were not burned by incomplete review courses that did nothing but “puff-up” the numbers.
The biggest lesson Jeff learned was that study materials are NOT what makes the difference.
The difference lies in the study method, planning & scheduling.
(more on all that in a minute)
Don’t Believe The Hype
110% Gagillion Pass Rate
There is a lot of ‘Pie In The Sky’ marketing in the CPA Exam Review space.
The biggest offender is ‘Pass Rates’.
If you’ve spent any amount of time researching CPA Review courses you’ve likely run into pass rates.
As a future CPA we’re guessing you are kind of into numbers and math and such.
The math on pass rates just doesn’t add up as illustrated in our tongue in cheek example multiple choice question.
In a market of 100,000 CPA Exam Candidates, a review course has a 50% market share (50,000) as the primary source of CPA Review material.
AICPA reports the average failure rate of an exam section is 50%.
How can that course provider (or really any course provider) claim to have a ‘pass rate’ of 88% (or more)?
- Mathmagic
- Creative Accounting
- They Forgot To Carry The 1
- All Of The Above

‘Best' CPA Review Course
Along with pass rates you’ve probably come across CPA Review ‘review’ sites.
The dirty little secret with these CPA Review ‘review’ sites is that they are affiliate sites.
Affiliates are paid to promote a product.
When you see courses ‘rankings’ on these sites. They are not being ranked by order of Good (#3), Better (#2), Best (#1).
They are being ranked by who pays the review site operator least to who pays them the most.
wikiHow calls them ‘Fake Review Websites’ and shows you how to spot them.
And now you know.
The ‘Perfect' CPA Exam Candidate
While there are seemingly many stories of one-off candidates…
Passing all 4 sections… on their first try… back to back… in 3 months (or less)… while weaving a basket underwater.
It is definitely NOT the norm.
Admittedly, we have a few such CPAunicorns and we are impressed with their achievement but the math from AICPA tells us the reality is very different.
We encourage you to do your best but also keep in mind that…
“Perfection is the enemy of Progress.”

Now For The Good News
We know what you are in for with this exam.
Everything we’ve done up until now has been researched, designed, and built to help YOU pass the CPA Exam.
There are literally thousands of candidates using NINJA CPA Review right now to succeed in their CPA Exam journey.
Here is a sample of “NINJA Only” folks who chose to Become A NINJA and passed:
Bobby’s Story
Matt's Story
Ben’s Story
Dan’s Story
Dylan's Story
Steven’s Story

It Takes More Than Just CPA Exam Study Materials
We are big fans of surveys.
Starting in 2018, we began asking CPA Candidates one question:
What is your single biggest challenge with the CPA Exam?
Here is what they said:
Finding Time To Study | 42% |
Motivation/Dedication/Consistency/Discipline/Focus | 20% |
Need A Study Plan/Guide | 13% |
NINJA CPA Review (as you will learn in a moment) was designed specifically to overcome, not just the top 3 challenges:
- Study Scheduling
- Study Method
- Study Planning
But every single one of them!
5 CPAs Per Day!
On August 24, 2020, we started tracking the number of our “I Passed – I’m DONE!” NINJAs.
Those are CPA Exam Candidates who were leaving the Dojo because they had passed all 4 sections of the exam.
At last count, we were at 4,435.
That’s 5 CPAs per day!
Would you hate it if we helped you become one of them?

This Is Your Study Battle Plan!
We know what it takes to make the journey a success for you.
Study Weapons
This is your NINJA Only study arsenal. They all serve a purpose and have a place in the NINJA Framework.

NINJA Audio allows you to study when you otherwise couldn’t – adding 5-10 study hours/week. Gym? Car? At Work? No problem… put your headphones on and study.

The NINJA Book strips away the fluff and filler that won’t be on your exam. This allows you to Nail the Concepts (without wasting your time).

Twice a year we hold live weekend-long cram sessions where the entire Blueprint of an exam section is covered. Past sessions are recorded and available for on demand use.

NINJA Flashcards
Proprietary platform pre-loaded with 300+ flashcards that uses a spaced repetition algorithm to enhance memorization.

The sleekest, most intuitive CPA testbank on the market. We hear this over and over again. 7,000+ MCQ & 300+ Simulations.

Skim it. Read it. Study it. Re-write it. Read it some more. If it’s in the NINJA notes, you’ll see it on Exam Day.

NINJA Open Sparring
No matter which exam section you’re studying, you can join Open Sparring on Saturday mornings to ask a question about any MCQ, SIM, concept, etc.

NINJA Sparring
Live Zoom tutoring teleconferences Monday through Thursday lead by Ninja Mike. (topics announced in advance)
There Is A Dedicated & Complete Set Of Study Weapons For Each Section Of The Exam:

Auditing & Attestation

Financial Accounting & Reporting


Business Analysis & Reporting

Tax Compliance & Planning

Information Systems & Control
Study Methodology
Up until now, you probably did not realize that N.I.N.J.A. is an acronym.
It spells out our proprietary Study Methodology that you employ as part of overall Study Framework using our study weapons and your current prep materials.


Nail the Concepts

Intense Notes

Non-Stop MCQ

Re-Write Your Notes

All Comes Together
This Short Video Explains How The NINJA Framework Works In Detail:
They Like Us, They Really Like Us!
A selection of comments from past NINJA Only customers from across the interwebs.

Tatiana K.
It’s hard to say GOOD BYE to Ninja Mike and Jeff Elliott! I passed my last exam which seems unbelievable. Thank you for the great time I spent with only Ninja. I will miss all of you a lot. Good luck to everyone! Keep studying, it’s absolutely doable to pass four CPA exams!!!!

the moment when you read ninja and you can only think is ninja CPA course…

Passed all of my exams with only NINJA. I feel like the real variable is are you willing to put in the time and effort? People have passed using all of the different courses, it comes down to putting in the time and effort to get it done.

I passed all 4 exams the first go around while working FT in less than 6 months using only ninja. I did 2 hours a day everyday, combo of mcq's, the audio lectures, and sims. I definitely felt overwhelmed as well the first 2 weeks of studying, but materials always clicked sooner or later. Consistency is key in my case.

btw after a week of struggles though only textbooks. I just realized that flash cards do help a lot. I feel like I’m doing better than my first week. (I’m using the NINJA CPA Review)

I was Ninja only too (Minus the old books) for pretty much the same reason. I couldn't justify multiple thousands of dollars just to study. My total cost for Ninja in the time I spent studying was just over or just under $1000 (I can't remember what month, exactly, I started it, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now), and I was able to pass all four (And really I could've lowered my cost further as I didn't study between late January and late April because of tax season, so call it just over or under $800 for someone who takes the time to pause the subscription).

Chris S.
Thank you Jeff Elliott. I could not have finished without Ninja. Sorry I have to cancel my subscription, but what a return on investment. Thanks again.

Steven M.
Wanted to thank Jeff Elliott, Mike, and the Ninja CPA Team. Finally received notification from CBA this afternoon that I am a licensed CPA in the state of California. Couldn't have done it without your help. Great program when time is of the essence. #ninjaonly

I used NINJA primarily for my review. I may have looked some things up on YouTube or the internet for a bit of a different explanation to help my understanding but otherwise it was all NINJA.
Are You Ready?
We’re not going to lie and tell you it’s going to be an easy journey, because it’s not.
You’re going to have to push your comfort zone, you’re going to have to work hard, you’re going to have to sacrifice.
This will likely be one of the most difficult tasks of your life.
But if you’re willing to do it, you can and will become a Certified Public Accountant.

Let’s Go!
The fact that we’ve guided thousands of other CPA Exam Candidates through this journey using only our
framework and study weapons proves that NINJA works… if you work it.