Whether you use NINJA CPA Review or any other course, the NINJA Study Framework can help you shave countless hours of study time.
If you don’t already have it, get your copy here.
As you may have seen in the NINJA Study Framework, NINJA for us is an acronym. Very few people realize this.
We here love ninjas, don’t get me wrong. But in our case, it’s the foundation for our study method for the CPA Exam.

The first step in the N.I.N.J.A. Framework is to
Nail the Concepts
Read your NINJA Book or watch the Sparring Session videos, read the NINJA Notes, and listen to NINJA Audio completely before working any MCQ.

The reason why the NINJA Framework is the right way to study and the $2,000-$3,000 courses are flat-wrong is that their method wastes your valuable time.
To put it another way – their study methodology, which hasn’t been updated since the 1940s is wasting your life.
Their way:
Read Chapter 1 / Watch Video 1
Work Chapter 1 questions
Read Chapter 2 / Watch Video 2
Work Chapter 2 questions
(and so on, and so on)
Then later on …
Work Chapter 1 questions (again)
Work Chapter 2 questions (again)
This takes way too much time and it is not optimal for retention because, by the time you have finished their method, the MCQ and concepts you started with are no longer fresh in your memory. Those concepts are lost somewhere in the ether, but they are not in your mind.
As for the NINJA Notes themselves, the $3,000 CPA Review Courses aren’t teaching people how to study, so I decided to solve the problem: NINJA Notes.
People from every walk of life have used NINJA Notes and Passed.
English as a Second Language CPA Candidates…
“Older” CPA Candidates…
(now that I’m over 40 … I wonder if I fall into this category. Surely not!?!?)
CPA Candidates straight out of college…
And every type of CPA Candidate in between.
Oh, and now is probably a good time to mention that several Elijah Watt Sells Award Winners (passed on the first attempt with a 95.5 score average) have used NINJA Notes to Pass the CPA Exam.

People have success with NINJA Notes for one reason:
If it’s on the NINJA Notes – it’s going to be on your exam.
I promise.
You don’t have to know everything in your $3,000 video course, but…
…You darn-well better know everything in the NINJA Notes.
Don’t take my word for it. Listen to this NINJA customer:
The NINJA notes saved me! I failed REG when I used my main study program. The second time around, I rewrote the NINJA notes after each chapter of my main study program, and I gained 10 extra points and passed. I think that having something explained to you both ways is always going to make you more likely to understand something better and make it stick on exam day, and Jeff doesn't waste any time with fluff. ~ Jennifer M.

So, you could try their way and take more time than is needed to retain the same information or you can try the NINJA way.
So start first with Nailing the Concepts, which for us is putting the first “N” in NINJA.
Will NINJA Work For You?
At this point, you are likely wondering whether NINJA will be effective for YOU personally?
NINJA CPA Review is a complete course that has also been the #1 CPA Review supplement for over a decade.
Based on this, there are two paths forward, please choose the path that best suits where you are in your CPA Exam journey.

The NINJA Only path is for candidates who would like to use NINJA as their primary review course.

NINJA As A Supplement
The NINJA As A Supplement is for candidates who already have a primary course (Becker, Wiley, Roger, Surgent, etc) that hasn’t gotten the job done i.e. you’ve recently failed a section OR you want give yourself that little extra boost to avoid failing.